Hakimi Dental Clinic – Dentist in Oldbury

51A New Birmingham Rd, Oldbury B69 2JQ

Dental Checkups in Oldbury, Birmingham

Maintaining a healthy and radiant smile starts with regular dental checkups. Our experienced team of dental professionals emphasises the importance of preventive care to catch issues early, ensuring a lifetime of strong, beautiful teeth.

Weekend availability

Accepting new patients

Quick appointment booking

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Comprehensive dental checkups

At Hakimi Dental Clinic, we understand that a healthy smile is a key component of your overall well-being. Our comprehensive dental checkups are designed to go beyond the surface, ensuring that your oral health is in its best possible condition. Here’s why our checkups stand out:

Holistic examination approach
Our dental professionals take a holistic approach to your oral health, examining not just your teeth but also your gums, tongue, and overall mouth health. This comprehensive examination allows us to identify potential issues early on and develop targeted solutions for your specific needs.

Cutting-edge technology
We employ cutting-edge dental technology to enhance the accuracy of our assessments. Our diagnostic tools include digital X-rays, allowing us to detect issues such as hidden cavities or potential bone loss that may not be visible during a routine examination. This commitment to advanced technology ensures that you receive the most precise and effective care.

Prevention as a priority
Prevention is at the core of our dental philosophy. During your comprehensive checkup, we not only address existing issues but also provide guidance on preventive measures tailored to your unique circumstances. This proactive approach empowers you to maintain optimal oral health between visits, reducing the risk of future problems.

Personalised treatment plans

Following your comprehensive dental checkup, our commitment to personalised care continues. We understand that each patient is unique, and so are their dental needs. Here’s what you can expect:

In-depth consultation
Our dental team will sit down with you to discuss the findings of your checkup in detail. This personalised consultation allows us to explain any identified issues, answer your questions, and address any concerns you may have.

Tailored solutions
Based on the examination results and your specific oral health goals, we create a customised treatment plan. Whether it’s addressing dental decay, recommending preventive measures, or discussing cosmetic enhancements, our goal is to provide solutions that align with your unique needs and preferences.

Clear communication
We believe in transparent and clear communication. Throughout the development of your treatment plan, we will ensure that you fully understand each step, empowering you to make informed decisions about your oral health. Your active involvement is key to achieving the best outcomes.

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Ready to prioritise your oral health?

Book online now!

3 steps away from your consultation

Step 1

Choose your preferred date

Currently, we are accepting new patients for dental checkups every Thursday and Friday.

Step 2

Enter your details and confirm your booking

After choosing your preferred date, you will need to enter your details. Feel free to add any details that will help with the consultation.

Step 3

Visit our dental practice on the day of your booking

All done! You will only need to show up for your dental checkup on the date chosen.

Transparent pricing

– Dental check-up £35

– Dental hygiene appointment £35

Frequently asked questions

Why is a dental checkup important, and how often should I schedule one?

Regular dental checkups are crucial for preventing oral issues and maintaining overall health. We recommend biannual visits for most individuals, but your dentist at Hakimi Dental Clinic will assess your specific needs and provide a personalised schedule to keep your smile in optimal condition.

How do I maintain optimal dental hygiene at home?

Good dental hygiene is a partnership between you and Hakimi Dental Clinic. Brush your teeth twice daily, floss regularly, and use an antiseptic mouthwash. Additionally, attend regular dental hygiene appointments for professional cleanings and personalised guidance on maintaining a healthy oral care routine.

Can dentures be comfortable and natural-looking?

Absolutely. We specialise in crafting dentures that are not only comfortable but also natural-looking. Our skilled team ensures a seamless fit, using high-quality materials to provide a restored smile that boosts your confidence and overall well-being. Schedule a consultation to discuss how dentures at Hakimi Dental Care can transform your smile.

How can I ensure the longevity of my dental fillings?

Our high-quality dental fillings are designed for durability, but proper oral care is essential. Brush and floss regularly, and attend routine checkups to detect and address any potential issues early on, ensuring the longevity of your fillings and the health of your teeth.

What is the procedure for getting a dental crown at Hakimi Dental Clinic?

The process for a dental crown with us involves an initial consultation, tooth preparation, impression-taking, and the placement of a custom-made crown. Our team ensures a comfortable experience, and the use of advanced technology guarantees a precise fit for your crown, restoring both function and aesthetics.

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